My answers to some good quesions posed by Shannon Calder at AIACC

Good Firms and Healthy Practices . What do the best firms do to be successful? Survival is the core ‘best practice’ – and still a challenge for many as the recovery is spotty both geographically and re work type. After survival one can start to consider mentoring; customer service; community service; and service to the profession. . How do best firms create a model for others? Sharing; which is tough in a hyper competitive environment. Sharing best practices is the only way all boats can rise. . What defines a great practice? Open / sharing culture that transends fear of competition; sustainable business practices that transend business climate fluctuations; consistent investment in building connections to the public, allied professions, the aia, employees / prospective employees, students, and – oh yeah – clients . . What was the defining point which inspired you to jump off and begin your own firm? Ego and confidence conspired to make that leap possible; once leapt, hard to climb back onto the ledge . What do you think is the single biggest issue impacting the profession in the future? Relevance to the business community and the public. If the profession is thriving, there is energy and time for all the rest to fall into place; where there is no prosperity, all that is good is challenged and struggles. Michael F. Malinowski AIA President, Applied Architecture Inc

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