18 Things Creative People Do

As shared with me by Richard Raisler: 18 Things Creative People Do Creativity is far mare than the right/left brain distinction we’ve come to know. Science now understands that creative thinking calls for complex brain processes, distinct neural pathways and emotions; making it very different from the standard thinking process we all use every day. Research has found that creativity involves the coming together of many traits, behaviors and social influences in a single person. The so-called “tortured” creative may in fact be a more complex person than say an accountant or programmer. So, let’s look at some of the characteristics and behaviors that creative people share. 1. They daydream, knowing this isn’t a waste of time. Mind wandering has been shown to help the process of creative incubation. Also, lots of time great ideas come out of the blue, when we’re thinking about something else. 2. They observe, seeing possibilities and potential in all things. They are constantly taking in details that are then the basis for creative expression. 3. They work hours that work for them. Some people are naturally better in the morning; others are more plugged in late at night. Creatives know what time of day they work best, and structure their time to accommodate that. 4. They spend time alone, without fear. They are comfortable spending time alone, allowing the mind to wander. 5. They turn obstacles around, using pain or hurt as the catalyst to creative growth and the chance to see new possibilities. It’s the fuel that brings a new perspective on reality. 6. They seek new experiences. Being open to new experiences, sensations and states or mind is a good predictor of creative ability. Openness to experience is the strongest predictor of achievement in a creative field. 7. They are resilient, with the ability not to take failure as something personal. Really good creative fail a lot. 8. They ask big questions. Creatives are always looking for answers, generally living an examined life. They look around and want to know the why and how of why things are the way they are. 9. They people watch so they become keen observers of human nature. This practice can supply some of their best ideas. 10. They take risks, thriving off the feeling of putting things out there. Being a true creative is not for the timid or thin skinned. Or anyone too caught up in what others may think of them. 11. They see life as a chance to express themselves. 12. They follow their real passions. They are motivated to act based on an internal desire and are energized by challenging activities. 13. They get out of their own heads, putting distance between ones own limited perspective and looking at other ways of thinking and living. 14. They lose track of time, so when they are working they get “in the zone” (also known as a flow state) and this helps them create at a higher level. 15. They surround themselves with beautiful things. Creative people tend to have exceptional taste, and they enjoy having beautiful things around. 16. They connect the dots, seeing possibilities where other people don’t. Creativity is the ability to connect dots that others might not think to connect. 17. They constantly shake things up to get a diversity of experience that is key to being creative. 18. They make time to be mindful. These people know the value of a clear, focused mind, and meditation is a wonderful tool for achieving that end. Richard A. Raisler Founder trueHUEnews Chairman of the Board Comstocks Business Magazine Best Business, Finance and Management consumer magazine in the Western U.S. Winner of two Maggie Awards in 2012 Nominated for three Maggie Awards in 2013 Board member World Affairs Council 916-925-5400

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