Architects: Passion is the Driver!

Recent articles about Architecture have been not-so-upbeat of late.   Reported the “fifth most useless major” a few months ago,  meager earnings ($36,000) and soaring unemployment (13.9 percent) for recent grads; and today research by the National Survey of Student Engagement, architecture majors studied MORE hours per week than ANY OTHER MAJOR —more than physics, more than chemical engineering; almost twice as many hours per week as peers in journalism!

Behind the numbers, lies PASSION.  That’s what drives people into the profession, that’s what makes them work so hard, and that what makes it so rewarding.  The sad economy will pass … in the meantime, those of us in the architectural trenches share a secret smile when we hear most clients saying “… I really wanted to be an architect, but …”   We get to turn people’s dreams, into places for people.

How cool is that!

Today's adventure in the Applied Architecture Studio !!! The Passion Drives the Design and the Designer!

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