Globe Mill Tour: Sacramento Architectural Festival

The Globe Mills Tour Options 1 Self Guided tour of the Mill Building a. Lobby with exhibits and Silo Mail Room Silo b. Floors one through five: Self explanatory exhibits on each floor; elevator or stair 2 Short guided tour: Mill Building + Head House (with or without stairs as requested) (10-15 min) 3 Full guided tour (approx 20 – 30 min; stairs) a. Mill Building lobby b. Mill Man Lift and historic stair c. Stair to second floor of Mill and Mill unit interior d. Elevator to Tower stair e. Stair to Head House f. Open six story silo stair constructed in place (inside silos) g. Stair down to NB2 and senior unit (fourth floor) h. Silo stair to second level Silo ’roundabout’ i. Experience acoustic phenomenon ii. Basement equipment display view i. NB2 lobby j. NB2 parking garage traverse k. Garden with Mill Fountain l. Return to Lobby logo_White on black (Large) Michael F. Malinowski AIA Applied Architecture Inc 2550 X Street 33 Years of Sensitive and Sensible Design Solutions for the Built Environment

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