Chat with Mike Malinowski AIA at the AIA Residential Architecture Showcase

Residential Architecture Showcase Chat with Michael F. Malinowski AIA in a low key, informal and no-cost setting, along with other Residential Architect professionals Posted: 09 Mar 2015 01:37 PM PDT edburner&utm_medium=email RAS_banner AIACV Residential Architecture Showcase – please spread the word! Are you curious about what hiring an architect entails? Residential Architects Showcase, presented by the local chapter of The American Institute of Architects, will give you a helpful head start on Saturday, March 14, from 5 to 8:30 p.m. at AIA Central Valley Gallery. “Many people are intimidated to call an architect and meet with them,” says Pam Whitehead of Sage Architecture, Inc. “This open house gives them the chance to talk with various architects in an informal atmosphere.” Chat with architects from several local firms who specialize in residential architecture and ask them all your burning questions about the process of turning your design daydreams into residential reality. AIA Central Valley Gallery is at 1400 S St. For more information, visit